Three Words to Live By
New Year’s Resolutions. We’ve all made them. We’ve all kept them. We’ve all broken them. I am a huge fan of goal making. I’ve set many good-hearted resolutions with all the intent of lasting all 365 days of the year but usually by the end of January I was back to where I was on December 31st. The gym membership card gathers dust, the new books go unread, and the journals go unwritten. One day my college roommate shared her way of setting New Year’s resolutions. She said that you find 3 words to theme your next year with. Throughout the year she would look for ways to use this word to help her. She also discovered that the following year seemed to offer challenges that allowed her to put these words into practice and become more of the person she wanted to become. I LOVED this idea and so for the next few years, I’ve done the same. This year, I am so in love with my words! I’m excited to share about why I chose them and what I’m hoping to...